See our hiring plans that include guranteed hires and re-hires!

Before the new NMW this seemed like a fairly premium salary in comparison to the base salaries of lower-earning employees.

However, now, these employees may begin to question their worth to their employer as people in lower-responsibility positions are experiencing perks – and they are not!

After all, more responsibility should come more perks shouldn’t it?…

However, there are things that we can do to target the qualms of the middle-earning employee! Here are five of the best…

1 • Up their wage

Probably the most obvious plan! Increase your middle-earning workers salary in line with the New Minimum Wage so that these workers feel the benefits of the Governments plans as much as the lower earning workers.

This will increase the gap between higher responsibility and lower responsibility jobs proportionately. This could, however, come with a domino-effect in increasing your high-earning staff salaries also.

2 • Introduce bonus schemes

Incentivise your middle-earners in having more responsibilities

3 • Introduce non-money-based incentives and perks

These could be in any shape or form – longer breaks, non-uniform days, a separate room to keep their things, etc.

Essentially, it just needs to demonstrate the gap of responsibility between middle and lower earning workers

4 • Career Progression Paths

Offer middle-earning employees a clear progression-pathway onto the next salary band

5 • Do your research

Conduct surveys with your staff to find out ways in which their job satisfaction can be improved.

After more advice?

Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone to us (0121 270 8065) or book  a free consultation. We’d love to support your recruitment process and can do so at an amazing value.

See our hiring plans that include guranteed hires and re-hires!