See our hiring plans that include guranteed hires and re-hires!

1 • Lengthy hiring processes

According to statistics, the average recruitment process for UK companies lasts 28 days.

This time frame is in stark contrast to candidates expectations, which is to be interviewed and offered in a matter of days.

Even if your role is their first-choice, it is unlikely they will risk holding out for you and decline a job good offer if someone else beats you to the punch.

Remember, if you like them, then it is likely others will be after them too – so time is of the essence!

2 • Company reputation

Candidates are increasingly researching companies online before accepting a job offer (83% according to recent research!).

If your company has negative reviews, use them as a free marketing research tool. After all, feedback helps you identify the areas your company needs to work on.

See if you can find any common patterns among unhappy employees. Then get together with your leadership and HR team to brainstorm ways to address these areas.

Not only will this help with your online reputation — employee satisfaction is also correlated with improved financial performance!

Moreover, by being aware of your negative reviews online, you can get ahead and communicate it to interviewing candidates (as they will probably find them before accepting a role anyway).

There could well have been previous issues that you have now resolved. By demonstrating to candidates early in the process how you proactively dealt with these issues, it can turn a big negative into a bigger positive.

3 • Lack of timely feedback and responses

This applies to both, the candidates you want to hire and the ones you don’t.

Give the candidates you are interested in a swift response to demonstrate your interest in them – this will improve the chances of them accepting your offer.

If there is an unavoidable delay to making an offer, it is crucial to keep them engaged with your vacancy.

Do this by promptly giving the candidate positive interview feedback and letting them know they are in a strong position.

And always keep them updated on when to expect an outcome.

Even for candidates who are not successful, it is important to communicate an outcome to them in a timely manner (ideally, accompanied with some helpful feedback).

Although these individuals won’t become actual employees, they are still a contributing factor to positive or negative brand reputation (remember the online reviews).

See our hiring plans that include guranteed hires and re-hires!