Character Matching will help you understand if the person behind the experience is your ideal candidate.

Generally speaking, the most common motivators for candidates are…

  • Job Satisfaction
  • Earnings
  • Work/Life Balance

Usually, all three are important, but your candidate will have a priority order – and not only that – how they view each motivator will differ too.

How does the candidate view Job Satisfaction?

Job Satisfaction is viewed differently by different candidates – and these views will sometimes be the polar opposites amongst those you are interviewing even for the same role.

Does the candidate desire to be a strong & steady performer, who simply wants to sit comfortably in a stable role for several years with as little stress as possible?

Harmony within the work environment is a big plus to this type of candidate since a chaotic and ever-changing environment may make them feel uncomfortable.

This type of candidate tends to prioritise a healthy work/life balance as their primary motivator.

Or perhaps a candidate’s job satisfaction comes from the initial prospects and the subsequent progress within their role and career?

In these cases, if your candidate can see a clear path of progress within the immediate role (and perhaps the company), they can be motivated by the prospects of development just as much as the actual progress in real-time.

And if there is no room for growth now or down the line, it’s not uncommon for this type of candidate to cut ties sooner rather than later.

However, if your company thrives on the progression of its employees moving up through the ranks – don’t be surprised if you make the perfect match!

How important is the Money?

Money is important, its why 99% of people go to work. But its level of importance can differ significantly!

Whilst most candidates we speak to look to at least match their current earnings at a new job, there are probably more than you imagine who are happily willing to take a pay decrease because Job Satisfaction and a healthy Work/Life Balance matter more to them.

Did you know 80% of employees who accept a counteroffer leave within six months anyway?

This is often because an employee’s biggest motivator is not money (and counteroffers are usually financial).

With that said, the main motivation for some candidates is literally £££s and they will withstand all manners of stress, change and pressures if the price is right.

This kind of candidate needs to be paid competitively within your market – otherwise – it won’t be long before they will be keeping an eye out for a better-paid role.

You will get the best performance out of them with additional earning prospects – either short-term through bonuses or the prospects of working towards pay rises or promotions.

See our hiring plans that include guranteed hires and re-hires!

Where does Work/Life Balance fit in?

Work/Life Balance doesn’t necessarily mean someone wants to ‘have their cake and eat it’.

The key-word here is balance. And not just the balance of work and life, but compared against their other motivations…

Before considering the importance of this for a prospective hire, consider these factors…

  • How long will their commute be and is it sustainable across time?
  • What flexibilities with working hours might be required for their home life commitments?
  • Is the role unofficially ’24 hours on call’?
  • Are the working hours fixed, or do they change weekly?
  • Are there high levels of stress at work which they may carry home with them?

If a candidate’s primary motivation is Job Satisfaction (and within that, progression), they may very well happily sacrifice some balance of Work/Home Life in order to achieve their ambitions.

Their resilience during stressful times may be higher and they may have a very good support system at home allowing them to give more flexibility to work.

However, if Work/Life Balance is the biggest motivator of a prospective hire, don’t assume this is a problem! Far from it.

There are many key strengths this type of hire can bring…

Firstly, the ability and awareness to balance different pressures is an excellent skill and trait. With the right balance, this individual could be one of your most committed and reliable members of the team (you help them, they help you).

What should you do after considering these points?

Think about the reality of all the factors above.

What can your role offer to a prospective candidate?

Once you have considered these factors, compare them to the motivations of the candidate.

It is at this point you can assess the most ideal applicant with the greatest potential longevity and performance prospects – and it may not be the most experienced one.

If you would like some more advice or would like to bounce some ideas around please do get in touch – after all – this is what we are here for and we’d be delighted to hear from you.

See our hiring plans that include guranteed hires and re-hires!